In 1988, a few prominent members of the Saskatchewan Sport Medical profession had an idea. Little did they know, they were on the brink of creating an organization that would not only guide Saskatchewan athletes to be safe and healthy as they strove to reach their highest potential – but also support those athletes through the worst of their days in injury or loss. The Sport Medicine Council of Saskatchewan was founded, but it needed a leader. Mark Henry was hired as the Executive Director in 1990. As leader, Mark took the idea basically from infancy through to the multi-faceted Council we are so fortunate to have today. In 34 years, under his guidance and diligence, the Sport Medicine and Science Council of Saskatchewan (SMSCS) has grown, adapted, and blossomed into an organization that is the envy of Sport Medicine, Science and Performance practitioners throughout Canada.

Initially, Mark was the only employee of the SMSCS. As the organization grew, Mark expanded his skillset to be able to not only manage the day to day operations, he was able to keep up with HR, accounting, marketing- all while guiding the SMSCS towards future opportunities, trends and changes in sport medicine and science. The initial budget of the SMSCS was approximately $100 000. Recently, the yearly budget is over $1.1 million dollars. Mark has managed this growth, with that of his staff and consultants, with kindness and fairness. With his skillset expanding in nearly every direction, he still remains down to earth, prudent, thoughtful and accommodating to all of the various groups he works with.

Mark has recruited an amazing staff that has promoted, directed and educated all of the Sask Sport coaches, officials and athletes and provided services to help them be the best they can be on the great days, and help them recover from injury and adversity on the not so great days. They have helped Saskatchewan Games, Canada Games and North American Indigenous Games organize and support athlete care. The Sport Medicine and Science Council is governed by a Board of Directors. Over the years, Mark has curated a Board that has had the ability to provide vision and strategy without ever having to question the operational tasks, worry about financial distress, or staffing issues. He has grown and maintained highly respected relationships within Sask Sport and the Canadian Centre Saskatchewan. Mark has not only put the SMSCS on the map, he has written the playbook.

To be an executive director of an organization from early days through 34 years, providing strong, steady leadership speaks to Mark’s character. Through him, the organization has had the ability to pivot quickly, grow exponentially, corralling a diverse board of directors with tangential ideas into a unified voice speaks volumes about his caring, detail-oriented, fiscally-prudent, common sense approach to leadership that we have all come to value. Mark has been the dedicated driving force behind this organization that has been the medical and scientific support for our provincial athletes for over three decades.

On behalf of the SMSCS, congratulations on your upcoming retirement!


Daysha Shuya

SMSCS President


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