Samantha Becker, CSMTA(SCM)

Works at Riverview Health Professionals, Regina

Additional certifications: Sport First Responder, RMT, First Aid CPR/AED-HCP Level

Sports worked with regularly: Football, Hockey, Lacrosse

Years of sport experience within your profession: 1

Services Provided for the SMSCS

  • Medical Coverage at Events
  • Assessments & Prevention Services 

For Fee-for-Service Assessments & Treatment Services Contact:

Gus Giannoutsos, CSMTA(SCM)

Works at ARC Orthopaedic & Sport Rehab, Regina

Additional certifications: SMT(cc)

Sports worked with regularly: Football, Hockey, Track & Field, Basketball

Years of sport experience within your profession: 20

Services Provided for the SMSCS

  • Medical Coverage at Events 

For Fee-for-Service Assessments & Treatment Services Contact: